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Twin data center colocation

“Serverius offers all-in-one twin data center colocation solutions with premium 2N+1 power and data transport services in between”

Within the Serverius data centers, users can easily build their own twin data center setup. Optional services such as Layer 2 data transport between data centers, DWDM waves, and anycast routing provide flexibility to tailor the infrastructure to specific needs. This approach not only optimizes costs but also ensures a high-quality, professional environment. Additional services, including NOCaaS, premium Internet connectivity, and more, further enhance reliability and maximize uptime in the Netherlands. create the highest possible uptime in the Netherlands.

twin datacenter colocation

  • Colocation at  three or four geographically separated locations.
  • All data centers are using a different/ independent power grid in the Netherlands (Liander and Enexis).
  • Data transport between the data centers (cross-connects provided by a special transport network or SpeedIX).
  • Usage of different data center carriers like Retn, NL-IX, AMS-IX, SpeedIX, etc. for your routers (different ASN, different routers).
  • Redundant Layer 2 data transport available to Amsterdam and between all four Serverius data centers.
Latency / RTT between data center 1 and 2: +/- 0.9 ms (dark fiber distance: 66,30km | +/- 15,43dB).
Latency / RTT between data center 2 and 3: +/- 0.8 ms (dark fiber distance: 86,49km | +/- 20,01dB).
Latency / RTT between data center 1 Amsterdam Globalswitch: +/- 1.0 ms (dark fiber distance: 95.49km | +/- 20.70dB).
Latency / RTT between data center 3 and Amsterdam Nikhef: +/- 1.1 ms (dark fiber distance: 115km | +/- 27.60dB).

Request your twin data center quote

Please fill in the default form below and you will receive within 24 hours a pdf colocation quote of
racks in both data centers and free data transport in between.
Later on, an engineer will contact you to ask you if the quote contains everything you need.

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